Autopay is the ultimate financial win-win! Some of the advantages include keeping your card information secure. Lucky for you, SROA only deducts their payment on the first of the month!Autopay is the ultimate financial win-win! Some of the advantages include keeping your card information secure. Lucky for you, SROA only deducts their payment on the first of the month!Lifestyle

What Are the Benefits of Setting Up Autopay

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Autopay is the ultimate financial win-win!

That makes a lot of sense the more you think about it. The merchant doesn’t have to worry about late payments from these customers or need to take time to send out as many regular invoices or reminders to the slow-to-pay customers that they really should consider paying soon. They’ll always be paid on time, and everyone will be happy.

The customer also benefits from enrolling in an autopay service. They don’t have to worry about forgetting to pay on a certain day or date or resulting late fees and reminders to pay. They can plan ahead to make sure there’s money in the bank for this coming cost. They don’t need to take effort to go write a check, drop off money in person or conduct an online transaction. Everyone can be happy on this end too.

We’re happy to offer autopayment services for our customers on our website. We think it’s a convenient and easy way to make sure everyone is properly paid on time. We’re always glad to explain to people why it’s a good service to take advantage of and help people get started. Start the process by creating your SROA account online.

At the same time, we’re fine if people don’t want to try this method, since some people do like the challenge of trying to remember the right day to pay. Or they may never be sure if their money is there.

But we do recommend it overall and we’re happy to offer assistance.

Autopay Explained

Every merchant sets up their autopay services a little differently. What we do is require people to first sign up for this service through our site through their online account. As part of this, we’ll need details of the valid credit card that we’ll charge each month. We’ll keep this information secure since we’ll need to charge this amount every month unless a customer wants a new card used.

To make it easy for everyone, we like to perform all of our deductions on the first of the month. Although some autopay services choose a random date or allow the customer to choose the optimal date for a deduction. We prefer to schedule everyone on the same day of the month and a time that’s easy to remember from month to month.

Need Help Setting Up Autopay?

We’re always open to helping customers set this up and navigate our system. Although some customers can do fine with the basics of setting up something online, it can be a challenge for others.

We don’t allow people to set up autopayments over the phone, since we need to verify their information by sending it to our preferred financial institution. We will be happy to walk you through the process online

Advantages of Autopay

  • On-time payments: Credit bureaus like seeing consistent payments which can be reflected in a higher credit rating. Businesses also like this too since it shows you’re a dependable customer and that way they’ll also have dependable revenue. Businesses also don’t need to spend extra time checking on a client’s personal situation and why they haven’t paid. They don’t need to charge late fees. Late fees can mean more revenue for a business, which is appreciated, but they also aren’t fun for customers or businesses.
  • Better peace of mind: No matter how many reminders customers may make for themselves every month to pay a certain bill on time, it’s always possible for something to come up so it’s forgotten. That’s OK – we all have busy lives and a lot of distractions. Depending on the company and how much time has passed between the due date and when it’s paid, there could be a short grace period or a late fee that starts to grow the longer a specified amount isn’t paid. But if autopayment is set up, you won’t have to remember that a payment is coming up, and it will come out as scheduled. Since you won’t have to worry about this, you can put your efforts into remembering other details and other tasks.
  • Less risk of identity theft: As part of our commitment to our customers, we store all customer credit card and financial information in a secure area, only accessing it when needed for each payment each month. But people who don’t sign up for autopayment services may have an increased risk of their details being seen or taken. Businesses are required to take certain steps to keep customer data safe during any transactions, but hackers are always looking for ways to break into systems or intercept data in transit. So, someone going online each month to pay may have more risk than someone who has already set up autopayment. Or, if someone writes and mails a check, it also has the possibility of not making it where it’s supposed to and getting lost in the mail.
  • Better customer experience: One someone is signed up for autopay, it’s difficult for them to stop especially if it’s just a small amount that’s deducted each month. The company will like working with them, and the customer will also be satisfied too.
  • A ‘greener’ solution: Trying to find ways to reduce the need for paper checks is good for the environment, as is not having to send out hard copies of invoices and courtesy reminder letters.

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